Move Mask


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  • La-maschera-protettiva-naso-bocca-Move-Mask-1

    Move Mask M1

    Move Mask M1 The Move Mask M1 is a protective mask, consisting of transparent glasses with neutral glass lenses and a removable, anti-fog protective mask, offering a PVC screen that isolates and protects the patient's face from that of the operator. It is a class I medical device according to the EC directive 93/42. The cellulose acetate frame contains neutral glass lenses that can be replaced with corrective lenses. CODE: E4001
  • Maschera protettiva-Move Mask-M2
    Maschera protettiva-Move Mask-M2


    Move Mask M2 The Move Mask M2 is a protective mask, placed on the user's glasses and offers a PVC screen that isolates and protects the patient's face from that of the operator. It is a class I medical device according to EC directive 93/42. CODE: 4098
  • maschera-protettiva-naso-bocca-pvc


    Move Mask M3 The Move Mask M3 is a protective mask, compatible with all the eye wears within the Esquire line with the only exception of the Modular Vision line, and it offers a PVC screen that isolates and protects the patient's face from that of the operator. It is a class I medical device according to EC directive 93/42.